mardi 25 janvier 2011

Le grand nettoyage

Ma bande de "Nettoyeurs" pour Golgo Island (ou Neutron york machin). C'est l'équipe 2, qui intervient quand l'équipe 1, un groupe d'éboueurs plus classiques, ne peut pas accomplir sa mission.

Elle est dirigée par Vincent DAVID (à ne pas confondre avec David VINCENT), un sociopathe omnibulé par le rangement et la propreté qui vit en tenue NBC depuis déjà 12 ans et qui se bat à main "nues" ou en jetant ce qu'il trouve à portée de main (et qu'il remettra en place après le combat).

Translated by Banana Tyrant  :
"My gang of 'cleaners' for Golgo Island (or that Neutron York thingie). It's Team #2, which will replace Team #1, a more common garbage crew, when things get too tough for them, like when there is some text to translate and they have a shower to take and greenskins to paint. It is led by Vincent DAVID (nothing to do with David VINCENT), a sociopath with a clean-and-tidiness fetish who's been keeping his NBC suit on for 12 years and only fights 'bare'-handedly, or by tossing anything he can get ahold of at people's faces (which he'll then carefully put back into place)".

4 commentaires:

  1. ça existe un webservice pour automatiser les "J'aime" vers Face de Bouc et qui rédigerait des commentaires élogieux à chaque publication sur un blog donné ?

    Je voudrais m'abonner...

  2. As requested by Gerg:

    "My gang of 'cleaners' for Golgo Island (or that Neutron York thingie). It's Team #2, which will replace Team #1, a more common garbage crew, when things get too tough for them, like when there is some text to translate and they have a shower to take and greenskins to paint. It is led by Vincent DAVID (nothing to do with David VINCENT), a sociopath with a clean-and-tidiness fetish who's been keeping his NBC suit on for 12 years and only fights 'bare'-handedly, or by tossing anything he can get ahold of at people's faces (which he'll then carefully put back into place)".

  3. Bravo. Tu as trouvé leur bonne couleur !!
